What is the Manchester Terrier?
Manchester Terrier or MT, is old breed from United Kingdom. The type was originally called Black And Tan Terrier, it was strong and small dog with great skills of killing rats and other vermins. Later on it is believed there was small sighthounds (possible Italian Greyhound or Whippet type of dogs) mixed in the breed to add elegance and speed, both for winning in the rat pit and to be desirable Gentleman's Terrier for big city life. The name was changed to Manchester Terrier when the breed standard was added to Kennel Club. The breed remains as the terror of small prey and is easy dog to live in aparments and cities.
MT's are active breed that enjoys exercise, walks in the forest, running free, catching toys and playing with other dogs. They are great companions and athletes and do well in many hobbies, such as agility, rally and nosework. Most chesters enjoy tremendously lure coursing, if that is a possibility around your area. Limiting to short walks around the neighbourhood and not giving enough mental stimulation can increase problematic behavior, such as excessive barking and guarding, chasing smaller household pets like cats, pulling in leash, reactive barking to other dogs, marking inside the house and damading furniture. When received enough exercise, Manchesters make a lovely pet. They are adoring to people and dogs they are familiar with, joyful and ready for any action. They make great guard dogs as they use their fierce bark to alert and might be quite vary of strangers. Prey driven and loving treats and food they are quite easy to train, but most have that self-willed terrier spark in them. Be patient and positive when training Manchester Terrier.
Manchesters are quite healthy breed without exaggerated features. There are few known cases of skin problems or rather autoimmune diseases (alopecia, atopy, allergies), SLO (Symmetric Lupoid Onychodystrophy) and mastcell tumors (Mastocytoma). Eye diseases are quite rare, as are patella, kidney and liver problems. I personally recommend examine the heart by ultra sound, especially if the dogs used in breeding as slight heart murmurs can show up even in young dogs. I also recommend xraying elbows, hips and spine but every breeder has their own health scheme. Breeding dogs also could be tested for vWD1 (von Willebrand disease type 1) to make sure if they are paired with either healthy, carrier or unknown partner. Affected dogs should not be bred with.
More information about the breed in Finnish https://www.manssi.net/